Breaking Faith… As promised

Posted: April 25, 2015 in Uncategorized

I made a promise with my all too supportive friends, that when my tiny brand new author page hit 300 likes I would post the first three pages of Breaking Faith. I guess this also proves I have actually created a book, and I am not just blowing smoke up people’s butts. So without further procrastination…

Breaking Faith

Chapter 1

“Oww, shit!” I cried, as I pulled my oozing finger back and stuck it in my mouth.

Glaring at the offending messenger bag, or more specifically the felonious paper sticking out of it, I fought back the tears and expelled a bitter laugh.

My eyes stayed glued to the awful document that signified escape. How dare it hurt me! It was a paper replica of the person it was protecting me from, a façade of security but in reality nothing but pain.

I glanced back at my injured finger to…

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The first three pages of Breaking Faith were such a hit, I was asked to post more. I promised when I my author page hit 400 I would post more.

If you have’t want to like my Facebook page

and if you didn’t get to read the first three pages.

Keeping busy with my school work, I avoided the pity-filled stares from my peers. I owned my pariah status with pride, never letting them know how self-conscious they made me.

My scholarship was awarded before graduation, mocking my life of teenage solitude. When I received the acceptance letter, panic sliced through me and I flat out refused to leave. After much coaxing and bribing, of the Mustang variety, I reluctantly agreed to go.

I found myself without the foundation of my dad, in a new state, trying to find my way.

My freshman year was uneventful. Throughout the…

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